Voted Best Chiropractor in Granby Colorado

About Animal Chiropractic

Pets hold a place of emotional importance in our lives. Animal chiropractic is a safe and effective manipulation technique utilizing a non-force instrument to deliver energy into a fixated spinal segment to elicit joint mobilization and ultimately, neurological changes that induces healing.

A variety of disorders can be treated with chiropractic including:

  • Acute and non-acute lameness
  • Hip dysplasia-like syndromes
  • Intervertebral disc disorders and knee disorders,
  • Digestive disorders and performance and behavioral problems.

working with veterinarians

Chiropractic will not replace the need for veterinary care, but may be used in conjunction to benefit the health and well being of your pet. Veterinarians are utilizing animal chiropractors more and more in their offices.Treatment can be utilized to maintain athletic performance and flexibility and reduce the risk of, if not avoid all together, injury.

By working in conjunction with veterinarians, animal chiropractors examine and treat areas of the functional nervous system that often go unnoticed by traditional veterinary care.

Animal chiropractic is integrated with veterinary primary care and does not involve medications, surgery or injections and is not intended to assume the primary health care responsibility of animals.

Animal Chiropractor in Grand County

How Do I Know My Pet Needs Chiropractic Care?

  • Pain
  • Reluctant to jump in or out of a vehicle or bed
  • Inability to lift or turn head
  • Jaw dysfunction.  Can not open fully and/or reluctance to chew or eat
  • Difficulty when getting up or the inability to get comfortable when laying down
  • Reluctance to touch or petting that is not typical behavior of your pet
  • Change in posture sitting or standing
  • Difficulty eliminating bladder or bowels, unable to hold posture to eliminate
  • Constantly licking or chewing paws
  • Changes in ambulation or gait
  • Rear leg weakness
  • Veterinary diagnosis of arthritis, disc herniation, hip dysplasia or other degenerative conditions
  • Wobbler’s disease, ataxia, loss of balance, or other neurological disorders.

How Do I know My Dog is in Pain?

  • Shaking
  • Low posture
  • Temperament changes
  • Panting or crying
  • Excessive licking or scratching at a specific area such as the paws
  • Reluctance to play, walk, exercise or interact as normal
  • Limping
  • Stiffness after rest
  • Loss of appetite

How Do I know My Horse is in Pain?

  • Abnormal gait.
  • Unusual posture. May stand with head dropped and refuse to move.
  • Shifting weight from one leg to another.
  • Muscle tremors.
  • Abnormal sweating.
  • Lying down more than usual.
  • Temperament changes
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Restlessness, pawing/stamping the ground